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Rezension von „Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific?“

  • 4. Dezember 2017
Rezension von „Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific?“

Wir freuen uns mit Dr. Enrico Fels über eine positive Rezension seines letzten Buches „Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific?“ in der renommierten Fachzeitschrift Asian Politics & Policy.
Einige Auszüge aus der Rezension: „Fels certainly makes a significant contribution in mapping the pattern of middle-power-oriented material and relational power shifts among great powers […] Fels’ book, written in an exceptionally scholarly manner, will prove highly valuable to academics, policymakers, investors and other stakeholders who want to be well informed of the changing strategic landscape and foreign policy behaviors in the Asia-Pacific, including the economic and political risks that may arise as a result of increased Sino-U.S. competition.“

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