CGS Bonn
Uni Bonn


The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM)

The Center for Global Studies (CGS) has been established at the University of Bonn in order to study the fundamentals of international relations. Ever since its foundation in 2010, its research focus has been the phenomenon of power and its shifting nature in the 21st century. As a result, the original Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) was created in 2011 to record shifts in central sectors of state power over time. Complemented by the publication series “Global Power Shift – Comparative Analysis and Perspectives” and a monthly newsletter update, the CGS combines quantitative and qualitative research to deepen our knowledge and spark broad discussion about power in international relations.

In 2018, we took the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the University of Bonn to upgrade the Bonn Power Shift Monitor to the next level. We revised the indicator system and reduced it to eight central hallmarks of power. Based on this, we developed a power calculation measure that is able to inform about relative shifts in global power as well as country-specific trends. As a result, the Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) uncovers and analyzes the shifts in international power relations between the world’s leading industrialized and emerging economies.

Our goals are to raise awareness about power shifts and to invite the economy, politics and society to discuss the consequences of and political answers to these alterations beyond borders. Equally important, we intend to stimulate the debate about power concepts, as well as traditional and innovative measuring methods. Therefore, we based the Monitor the BPSM is based on six principles: feasibility, accessibility, comparability, expandability, transparency, and simplicity. Their initials build the acronym “facets” which directly refers to our basic idea to integrate the power theories in one model. By incorporating free available data only, the BPSM is of unique accessibility, expandability, and transparency for researchers, students, and beyond. This is also the reason, why we decided to include freely available data only and apply an unpretentious calculation method. As fresh data and analyses are regularly updated, we hope to attract your attention and feed the power shift debate with our tool on a long-time basis.

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Curious for more?

BPSM Online Tool

BPSM Power Ranking

Power Shift Analyses


Letzte Aktualisierung: 30. August 2022