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Bonn Power Focus

All Eyes on Germany - Industrial Policy for Future Power - Ausgabe 3

Long rejected by proponents of a free market economy, industrial policy recently regained political attention: With the US following a protectionist doctrine of “America First” under President Donald Trump and China pushing comprehensive transformation plans such as “Made in China 2025”, questions about a strategy for the future competitiveness of industry are also arising in Europe. In February 2019, the German Federal Government issued the “National Industrial Strategy 2030”, marking a watershed moment in its strategic policy planning.

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All Eyes on Germany - A Powerful Comeback - Ausgabe 2

The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) analyzes shifts in global power among the G20 states. In its most recent update, the Monitor recorded a remarkable power rise of Germany. Taking a closer look at its power development will help to understand Germany‘s global competitiveness but also its struggle to retain its high power level as a traditional power in view of rising states. While the most recent developments are quite positive, Germany‘s power record remains unsteady and its place as the fourth most powerful country among the G20 is under attack of rising states such as the ever expanding India.

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Wo steht Deutschland – 5G-Netzaufbau – Ausgabe 1

Kommunikationsnetzwerke bilden einen kritischen Grundstein unseres globalisierten Lebens und der Aufbau neuer Mobilfunkstandards kann die Zukunft eines Landes gestalten. Wer glaubt, es gehe beim 5G-Netzausbau nur um das schnellere Versenden von Selfies, der irrt. Produktionsprozesse, autonomes Fahren oder sogar der Betrieb von Stromnetzen sind stark mit unserer Netzwerkinfrastruktur verknüpft. Gerade deshalb sollten bei der Betrachtung des 5G-Ausbaus neben technischen oder wirtschaftlichen auch sicherheits- und geopolitische Machtdimensionen im Fokus stehen.


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