Ohnesorge, Hendrik (Hrsg.): Soft power and the future of US foreign policy
The volume explores the role of soft power in US foreign policy past, present and future. It addresses vital issue areas – including terrorism threats, foreign economic policy and cultural diplomacy – as well as crucial bilateral relations – including Sino-American, Russian-American and transatlantic. In so doing, it offers an assessment of Joe Biden’s first year in office as well as future perspectives and recommendations regarding the role of soft power in US foreign policy. The book is an essential and unique resource for understanding how soft power informs US foreign policy and diplomatic practice today and how it will continue to do so in the years to come.
The book features a foreword from Joseph Nye, the ‘father of soft power’, and articles from Michael F. Oppenheimer, Naren Chitty and Chenjun Wang, Taryn Shepperd, Alister Miskimmon, Ben O’Loughlin, Laura Roselle, and Faith Leslie, Nicholas J. Cull, Farah Pandith and Jacob Ware, Giulio M. Gallarotti, Eugenio Lilli and Christopher Painter, Carla Dirlikov Canales, John M. Owen, Nancy Snow and Liwen Zhang and Giles Scott-Smith.
Ohnesorge, Hendrik W. / Gu, Xuewu (Hrsg.): Weltpolitische Gestaltung in Zeiten von COVID-19. Zur Rolle von Persönlichkeit und Führungsstil in der Coronakrise
Der Sammelband untersucht den Umgang ausgewählter Nationalstaaten mit der globalen COVID-19-Pandemie unter Anwendung des personenbezogenen Ansatzes der Politikwissenschaft. Der Band geht dabei von der grundlegenden These aus, dass sich der Umgang mit der Krise in entscheidendem Maße auf die Persönlichkeit und den Führungsstil der jeweils an der Spitze stehenden politischen Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger zurückführen lässt. Zu diesem Zweck nehmen die einzelnen Beiträge des Bandes ausgewählte Persönlichkeiten der Weltpolitik in den Blick, um deren Entscheidungen und Handlungen in der Coronakrrise zu untersuchen.
Ohnesorge, Hendrik W. (Hrsg.): Macht und Machtverschiebung. Schlüsselphänomene internationaler Politik – Festschrift für Xuewu Gu zum 65. Geburtstag
Die Festschrift zu Ehren des 65. Geburtstages von Professor Xuewu Gu versammelt Beiträge zu zwei eng miteinander verwobenen Schlüsselphänomenen in den internationalen Beziehungen: Macht und Machtverschiebungen. Verschiedene Erscheinungsformen der Macht werden dabei ebenso berücksichtigt wie jüngste geopolitische Entwicklungen. Folglich wird theoretische Grundlagenforschung mit empirischen Untersuchungen zu einflussreichen Akteuren auf der internationalen Bühne kombiniert, insbesondere der Volksrepublik China, Russland, der Europäischen Union und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Der Band, der sich gleichermaßen an Studierende, Forschende und Praktiker/-innen internationaler Politik richtet, bietet damit einen fundierten Einblick in das Werk des Jubilars und stellt gleichzeitig einen wichtigen und hochaktuellen Beitrag zur Machtforschung dar.
Mit Beiträgen von Christoph Antweiler, Rafael Biermann, James D. Bindenagel, Jörg Blasius, Malte Boecker, Enrico Fels, Sigmar Gabriel, Michael Gehler, Jörn-Carsten Gottwald, Christian Hacke, Christiane Heidbrink, Hans-Dieter Heumann, Wolfram Hilz, Ralph Kauz, Volker Kronenberg, Ludger Kühnhardt, Ulrich Lehner, Maximilian Mayer, Tilman Mayer, David Merkle, Rolf Mützenich, Beate Neuss, Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, Andrej Pustovitovskij, Martin Rupps, Ulrich Schlie, Reimund Seidelmann, Harro von Senger, Kristin Shi-Kupfer, Frank Sieren, Michael Staack, Grit Straßenberger, Markus Taube und Tim Wenniges.
- Hochaktuelles Kompendium zur Machtforschung aus multidisziplinärer Forschungsperspektive
- Kombination theoretischer Grundlagenforschung und empirischer Analyse
- Diskussion von Fragen der Weltordnung in einer Epoche geopolitischer Umbrüche
Ohnesorge, Hendrik W.: Soft Power: The Forces of Attraction in International Relations. Cham u.a.: Springer International, 2020.
This book explores the phenomenon of soft power in international relations. In the context of current discourses on power and global power shift s, it puts forward a comprehensive taxonomy of soft power and outlines a methodological roadmap for its empirical study. To that end, the book classifies soft power into distinct components – resources, instruments, reception, and outcomes – and identifies relevant indicators for each of these categories.Moreover, the book integrates previously neglected aspects into the concept of soft power, including the significance of (political) personalities. A broad range of historical examples is drawn upon to illustrate the effects of soft power in international relations in an innovative and analytically differentiated way. A central methodological contribution of this book consists in highlighting the value of comparative-historical analysis (CHA) as a promising approach for empirical analyses of the soft power of different actors on the international stage.By introducing a comprehensive taxonomy of soft power, the book offers an innovative and substantiated perspective on a pivotal phenomenon in today’s international relations. As the forces of attraction in world politics continue to gain in importance, it provides a valuable asset for a broad readership.
“In this important and thoughtful book, Hendrik Ohnesorge explains and advances our knowledge of the ways that soft power, public diplomacy, and charismatic personal diplomacy are shaping the international relations of our global information age.”
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Harvard University and author of The Future of Power
“Soft power is a much-used term, almost a commonplace in current-day international relations. Yet its multiple dimensions are seldom explored, and its usefulness as a methodological tool rarely explained. This book covers these gaps with some skill. By introducing a four-level approach, focusing on resources, instruments, reception, and outcomes, Hendrik Ohnesorge has provided a critical guidebook for the analysis of soft power in IR.”
Giles Scott-Smith, Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History, Leiden University
Fels, Enrico: Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific? The Rise of China, Sino-US Competition and Regional Middle Power Allegiance
This book investigates whether a power shift has taken place in the Asia-Pacific region since the end of the Cold War. By systematically examining the development of power dynamics in Asia-Pacific, it challenges the notion that a wealthier and militarily more powerful China is automatically turning the regional tides in its favour. With a special emphasis on Sino-US competition, the book explores the alleged linkage between the regional distribution of relevant material and immaterial capabilities, national power and the much-cited regional power shift.
The book presents a novel concept for measuring power in international relations by outlining a composite index on aggregated power (CIAP) that includes 55 variables for 44 regional countries and covers a period of twenty years. Moreover, it develops a middle power theory that outlines the significance of middle powers in times of major power shifts. By addressing political, military and economic cooperation via a structured-focused comparison and by applying a comparative-historical analysis, the book analyses in depth the bilateral relations of six regional middle powers to Washington and Beijing.
裴钢 江波 辜学武 郑春荣/主编 : 德国创新能力的基础与源泉
Fels, Enrico, Vu, Truong-Minh (Eds.): Power Politics in Asia´s Contested Waters – Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea
This volume offers a comprehensive and empirically rich analysis of regional maritime disputes in the South China Sea (SCS). By discussing important aspects of the rise of China’s maritime power, such as territorial disputes, altered perceptions of geo-politics and challenges to the US-led regional order, the authors demonstrate that a regional power shift is taking place in Asia-Pacific. The volume also provides in-depth discussions of the responses to Chinese actions by SCS claimants as well as by important non-claimant actors.
Pustovitovskij, Andrej: Strukturelle Kraft in Internationalen Beziehungen Ein Konzept der Macht in internationalen Verhandlungen
Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht der vom Autor entwickelte Ansatz der strukturellen Kraft als eine Antwort auf eine der entscheidenden Schwächen der politikwissenschaftlichen Machtforschung im Bereich der internationalen Beziehungen: das Fehlen kohärenter und gleichzeitig breit operationalisierbarer Machtkonzeptionen zur plausiblen Analyse der internationalen Verhandlungen. Von einer kritischen Bestandsaufnahme der realistischen, relationalen, behavioristischen und strukturellen Machtkonzepte ausgehend, wird der deduktiv entwickelte „synthetische“ Machtansatz in mehreren aktuellen Fallstudien auf den empirischen Prüfstand gestellt. Damit bietet der Autor ein in sich stimmiges, mit unterschiedlichen ontologischen Annahmen kombinierbares Werkzeug für die Analyse der Macht in internationalen Beziehungen.
Klieman (eds.): Great Powers and Geopolitics – Great Powers and Geopolitics International Affairs in a Rebalancing World
This book presents the theoretical-historical-comparative political framework needed to fully grasp the truly dynamic nature of 21st century global affairs. The author provides a realistic assessment of the shift from U.S predominance to a new mix of counterbalancing rival middle-tier and assertive regional powers, while highlighting those geopolitical zones of contention most critical for future international stability. The book will appeal to scholars and policy makers interested in understanding the contours of the emerging world order, and in identifying its principal shapers and leading political actors.
Kirchberger, Sarah: Assessing Chinas Naval Power Technological Innovation, Economic Constraints, and Strategic Implications
This book analyzes the rise of China’s naval power and its possible strategic consequences from a wide variety of perspectives – technological, economic, and geostrategic – while employing a historical-comparative approach throughout. Since naval development requires huge financial resources and mostly takes place within the context of transnational industrial partnerships, this study also consciously adopts an industry perspective. The systemic problems involved in warship production and the associated material, financial, technological, and political requirements currently remain overlooked aspects in the case of China.
Drawing on first-hand working experience in the naval shipbuilding industry, the author provides transparent criteria for the evaluation of different naval technologies’ strategic value, which other researchers can draw upon as a basis for further research in such diverse fields as International Security Studies, Naval Warfare Studies, Chinese Studies, and International Relations.
Mayer / Carpes / Knoblich (eds.): The Global Politics of Science and Technology Vol. I and II
An increasing number of scholars have begun to see science and technology as relevant issues in international relations (IR), acknowledging the impact of material elements, technical instruments, and scientific practices on international security, statehood, and global governance. This two-volume collection brings the debate about science and technology to the center of international relations. It shows how integrating science and technology translates into novel analytical frameworks, conceptual approaches and empirical puzzles, and thereby offers a state-of-the-art review of various methodological and theoretical ways in which sciences and technologies matter for the study of international affairs and world politics. The authors not only offer a set of practical examples of research frameworks for experts and students alike, but also propose a conceptual space for interdisciplinary learning in order to improve our understanding of the global politics of science and technology.
This this first volume summarizes various time-tested approaches for studying the global politics of science and technology from an IR perspective. It also provides empirical, theoretical, and conceptual interventions from geography, history, innovation studies, and science and technology studies that indicate ways to enhance and rearticulate IR approaches. In addition, several interviews advance possibilities of multi-disciplinary collaboration.
The second volume raises a plethora of issue areas, actors, and cases under the umbrella notion techno-politics. Distinguishing between interactional and co-productive perspectives, it outlines a toolbox of analytical frameworks that transcend technological determinism and social constructivism.