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Between the Superpowers: What Is Germany’s China Policy?

  • 03/07/2023
Between the Superpowers: What Is Germany’s China Policy?

Discover the intricacies of Germany’s China policy in the thought-provoking

article “Between the Superpowers: What Is Germany’s China Policy?” by

Christiane Heidbrink. Delving into the recently adopted National Security

Strategy, the piece explores the balancing act Germany faces as it navigates

its relationship with China amidst the global power competition.

With China’s rising influence and its impact on the international order, the

article sheds light on Germany’s concerns regarding China’s behavior, human

rights violations, and its pursuit of global dominance. However, Germany’s

position is far from straightforward, leaving questions about its precise

goals and strategies for maintaining a delicate equilibrium between

cooperation and confrontation with China.

From the EU Commission’s triad labeling China as a partner, competitor, and

rival to Germany’s internal debates on cooperation and values-based

decision-making, the article highlights the complexity of Germany’s China

policy. As the world witnesses the intensifying great power rivalry between

the United States and China, Germany finds itself caught between the two

giants, each vying for its support. This article sheds light on Germany’s

evolving stance and its implications for global stakeholders.

Read the full article to delve into the nuances of Germany’s China policy

and join the discussion on shaping a balanced and principled approach to

international relations in a multipolar world.