Here you can find information on the book series "Global Power Shift" and "Neue China Studien" plus their respective volumes.
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Here you can find further information on the monographs of our staff.
Here you will find our reports on the global power shifts between the G20 states. The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) measures trends in power shifts since 2005.
In our publication series, we regularly publish topic-related studies on current challenges regarding politics, business and society.
In this publication series we publish contributions by female scholars in international relations who have participated in the emPOWER project.
This category presents to you excellent student papers which were written at the Center for Global Studies.
This category contains Discussion Papers which were written by fellow researchers or in the course of our university lectures.
Hier finden Sie Discussion Papers, welche Mitarbeiterinnen oder Mitarbeiter oder geladene Gäste des CGS freundlicherweise zur Verfügung stellen.