CGS Bonn
Uni Bonn

Technology and power: The significance of artificial intelligence for IR

The competition concerning core technologies in the 21st century is rapidly changing the global political power constellations. The growing, rigorous rivalry for technological supremacy between the USA and China is developing into a new normality in world politics and is particularly evident in the expansion of 5G infrastructure. It is generally agreed that technological innovation has a major role to play in international politics and with regard to power shifts. Especially the relationship of technology and power and the transformation process from technology to power as well as the resulting consequences for international relations are of particular importance. Current research focuses primarily on the significance of artificial intelligence as a leading innovation for the future. Hereby, the Center for Global Studies follows the question whether and how artificial intelligence changes the balance and division of power between countries.

最近更新: 2020 年 03 月 10 日