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The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) 2.0

  • 2018 年 02 月 15 日
The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) 2.0

The Bonn Power Shift Monitor (BPSM) serves to inform politics, industry, academia and society whether and to what extent global power shifts are occurring. Currently, the BPSM is reviewed and rewritten. The upcoming Monitor will offer a simple tool for identifying shifts in the last decade based on eight selected power indicators. Complemented by country reports and additional publications, the Center for Global Studies (CGS) offers innovative research on the drivers and consequences of the various power shifts around the globe.

In the course of this year, the CGS is going to publish a renovated and comprehensive power shift analysis revealing central power shifts over the last decade. This interactive map provides you an exclusive foretaste of what is going to come.

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