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Dr. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge – US Election 2020: The Days After

  • 05.11.2020

The team of JDI France is pleased to invite you to our “US Election 2020: The Days After” online event.

Are you as curious about the outcomes of the 2020 US election as we are? Do you wonder about the implications that a Biden or a second Trump presidency might have for the future?
Come join the JDI team for a debriefing and analysis of the election where US experts – Dr. Francis Fukuyama (Stanford University), Dr. Rebecca Lissner (US Naval War College), Dr. Paul Poast (University of Chicago), Dr. Paul Schor (Université de Paris) and Dr. Hendrik Ohnesorge (Center for Global Studies Bonn) – will discuss the future of US domestic and foreign policy. In the end, you will be able to share your thoughts and ask your questions!


Last update: 05/11/2020