Latest News
- 31.08.2017: Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific?
- 15.08.2017: “What to do about North Korea?” von Enrico Fels
- 02.08.2017: Hendrik W. Ohnesorge an der University of California, Berkeley
- 17.07.2017: Enrico Fels awarded with the 2017 Lecturer Award
- 21.12.2016: We Wish You Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- 20.12.2016: Reconceptualising Structural Power: A New Concept Made Out of Sterling Parts
- 24.11.2016: E. Fels: “Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific? The Rise of China, Sino-US Competition and Regional Middle Power Allegiance”
- 22.11.2016: China, Germany to have new cooperation opportunities in global economic governance: experts
- 10.06.2016: Implications for China and Russia after Obama lifted Vietnam’s arms embargo
- 08.06.2016: “This strategy of anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) in the East Sea and other regions shall help China to once again become the region’s most dominant power.” – Dr. Enrico Fels