Buchprojekt: „The EU: A Global Power in the making? – Europe’s present and future role in a changing world.“ (Call for Papers)
Edited by: Astrid B. Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer and Aukje van Loon
Lead Institutions: Center for Global Studies Bonn (CGS) and Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence (EUCE)
Nowadays there is an ongoing debate about a possible power shift from traditional industrial countries to emerging powers, as well as an intense debate about the future role of the U.S. in world politics and global order. Various volumes, journal articles and monographs have tried to develop sophisticated answers towards these debates. But, when it comes to debat-ing the present and future role of the EU in international relations, we are facing a cloudy spot of research, especially when it concerns the question whether or not the EU can be seen as a recent or future global power. Surely, remarkable work has been undertaken addressing the frameworks, institutions, processes and activities of the EU in regard to her external relations, but a comprehensive volume addressing the question if the EU will be able to become a major global power is still missing. This project is designed to fill this gap and to provide latest research on the topic for academia and the public.
Guided by the question “Is the EU a global power in the making?” the volume aims at bringing together researchers to deliver their insights on the mentioned question in five parts. It is also planned to bring together the authors and other researchers in a workshop that is projected to take place in Miami, FL, US, to pool the knowledge of the authors and to exchange views regarding the topic on a personal level.
Part I. entitled “Institutions and Processes of the EU´s external relations” invites con-tributions dealing with the institutional, legal and political framework of the EU´s ex-ternal relations. Contributions should give profound insight into the institutions and actors involved in EU´s external policy policy-making (with a special emphasis on post-Lisbon developments) and their impact on the EU´s positions in global order, as well as into the legal framework of Europe´s foreign activities and how they might affect Europe´s positioning in the world. Generally this part is designed to deliver an overview about the foundations and basics on Europe´s foreign policy, policy-making and how the EU can be understood as international actor on a general level.
Part II. In the second part “The EU: A Global Power: Theoretical Approaches for measuring the EU´s power in todays world” contributions will present theoretical approaches towards measuring the influence and power of the EU as international actor. In this regard we strongly invite theoretical papers doing research on the nature of the EU´s power in contemporary IR, as well as papers on the nature of power in IR in general, which seem to be suitable for increasing knowledge on Europe´s power.
Part III “The EU: A Global Power: Policies, Actions, Activities and Influence of the EU´s external actions” is set up to bring together contributions that are designed to highlight EU´s external policies, actions and activities in regard to the exercise of power/influence on a global level in specific bilateral, regional and multilateral rela-tions and institutions (p.e. ASEAN, MERCORSUR, NAFTA, ACP, UN, FTAs, EPAs etc.), specific policies (environmental, trade, security ect.) and /or by the use of specific means (military, economical, diplomatical ect.).
Finally part IV entitled “Résumé and Conclusion” will wrap up the results of the pre-sented articles and will try to give a more general answer to the question “Is the EU a global power in the making?” based on the insights and findings of the contributions of the volume. This part of the book will also heavily rely on the findings of the in-tended workshop.
The final edited volume is expected to be published by Springer Publishing as part of the series on “Global Power Shift” (series editor Xuewu Gu; member of the advisory board amongst others John G. Ikenberry, Princeton University, USA).
If you believe that you might be able to help the project to answer one or several questions addressed in the parts I to III, we strongly invite you to participate in the project. Please feel free to send us abstracts (up to 500 words) as well as complete papers. The deadline for submitting abstracts is the 28th of February 2012. When submitting an abstract the editorial team will inform you within 10 days if we would like you to submit a paper based on your abstract for the final review process (“Does the abstract match with one of the topics of the book?“).
The final deadline for contributions will be the 15th of May 2012. Final contributions should not exceed the amount of 11,000 words. An external board will review the submitted papers in May 2012. The workshop is intended to take place in Summer/Autumn 2012.
For further information please contact Jan-Frederik Kremer or see on springer.com