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Power Shift Analysen
- 23. August 2022
United Kingdom: A Losing Power inside and outside the EU
Considering the indicator of Top Companies, UK’s struggling trend continues. The country lost four UK based companies (from 26 to 22) that dropped out of the Fortune 500, signifying the second biggest absolute loss. But also, with respect to the dimension of Top Universities, the UK can be ascribed to the biggest losers. In general, the English-speaking countries significantly lost ground in this field, each losing two universities out of the global ranking. However, with 28 universities left in the list of the top 200, the UK still ranks second compared to the other G19 members in this dimension of structural power.
Turning to the indicator of Reserves, the UK managed to increase its Country Share from 1.09% in 2016 to 1.18% in 2020. In the case of Military Spending, the country however showed a slight decline in terms of Country Share from 3.11% in 2016 to 3.06% in 2020.
Looking at the dimension of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the UK only registered two new sites, which led to a minor decrease of Country Share in this category. Listing 32 world heritages, the UK ranks 7th compared to the rest of the G19. In terms of the sector of Chokepoints, the UK clearly stands out as a naval power, controlling 12 chokepoints in total, ranking 3rd.
To wrap it up, one can say that the sectors Top Universities, Chokepoint control as well as Top Companies are the pillars of the UK’s global Power Share.
Please cite as:
Center for Global Studies (CGS) (2022). “Bonn Power Shift Monitor: United Kingdom: A Losing Power inside and outside the EU”, University of Bonn, Bonn.