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Power Shift Analysen

  • 23. August 2022

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Turkey: Losing Hard Power

Concerning the overall Power Score Ranking, Turkey comes in 15th place. Turning to the Power Shift Rate and the Percentage of Power Change, Turkey comes in 8th, with a PSR of -0,01 and a percentage of -0.80 in terms of Power Change. With a positive Country Specific Change of 6,83, Turkey comes in 12th place in this respect.
Turkey cannot present a single University among the Top 200 and remains with only one Company among the Global 500. Taking a look at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Turkey gained two new Sites since 2016, increasing its total number to 18, coming in 14th place. Further, Turkey continues to control 8 Chokepoints, coming in 6th behind the US, France, the United Kingdom, China, Japan and Russia.

Further, Turkey shows decreases regarding the Exports and Reserves indicators, as well as a decrease in terms of the Country’s GDP (PPP), where it comes in 6th place, just behind Australia and India. The only other positive development can be seen in terms of Turkey’s Military Spending with a slight increase (MC 0,21). Turkey comes in 5th place in terms of this indicator, showing the same positive development as India and Korea.

Regarding Turkey’s Pillars of Success, it shows positive developments in regard to Military Spending, and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Turkey generally seems to be more of a hard power than a soft power, however, it seems to be losing hard power as well. Turkey’s general development appears to be relatively stagnant since the last observed period but showing a rather negative development.

Please cite as: 

Center for Global Studies (CGS) (2022). “Bonn Power Shift Monitor: Turkey: Losing Hard Power”, University of Bonn, Bonn.



Letzte Aktualisierung: 23. August 2022