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CGS-Workshop – Jan Fichtner

  • 24.06.2014

Das Center for Global Studies lädt Sie herzlich ein zum Workshop ”The Anglo-Americanization of Global Finance“ mit Jan Fichtner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) am Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014, ab 14.00 Uhr am Center for Global Studies.

The period since the 1970s has often been characterized as one marked by „financialization“ – the growing role of financial motives, markets, actors and institution in the functioning of the national and international economies. My argument is that the term financialization makes sense on the national level, but is inadequate to characterize the development on the international level. As an alternative, I propose the term „The Anglo-Americanization of Global Finance“, which builds on the notion that we have to study the Anglo-American countries and territories as one transnationally integrated whole. Hedge funds, one of the most prominent and most controversial financial actors of the last decade serve as an important case for my argument. Subsequently, the focus is broadened to empirically study the position of Anglo-America in 13 central segments of global finance.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 26. August 2018